About Us

We are a medical intermediary app in existence since August, 2022 which helps the users to search, locate & book doctor appointments, buy health checkup packages across various medical institutions all over Nepal. We currently have 25+ medical institutions as our partners and over 100+ doctors to choose from.

We also have a pharmacy section were in you can inquire your medicine requirements and a free to use blood donation platform where you can either help as a donor or request for blood during medical urgency.

Your Doctor in your app

Access quality healthcare within the comfort of your palm. No queuing, waiting for doctor appointments or health checkup package. Book an appointment as per your convenience within a wide array of medical practitioners, compare health checkup packages and book.

Some of our partners:

  • Expert Clinic
  • Clove Dental
  • Bluebird International Clinic
  • United Dental Care
  • Shankhamul Healthcare
  • Valley Imaging and Diagnostic Center
  • Blood & Multispeciality Hospital
  • Medi Quest Laboratory clinic Pvt. Ltd
  • Agilus Diagnostics

In need of blood? Doctor app is here to help

No need to run to blood banks in search of blood. Just fill up the form, request your required blood group and it will be circulated across doctor app community. Doctor app will help you connect with potential blood donors.

Signup and join the doctor app donor community. Help someone in need.

Get a sms notification from doctor app when anyone is in emergency and in need of blood.

Nothing matters more than saving lives. Invite your friends and ask them to join the doctor app blood donation community. Remember your small effort can help someone's life.

Doctor app features

  • Search and find doctors, hospitals and clinics as per your location and do online hassle free appointment bookings.

  • Find the right health checkup packages or medical tests with multiple options to choose from.

  • Find emergency contact details at the right hour.

  • Browse through different pharmacies as per your location, check their opening hrs or inquire your medicine availability.

  • Features a dynamic blood donation platform where you can request for blood across doctor app users or register yourself as a donor to help others, come join the community.

Get your first appointment or buy a health checkup plan

Download the app and signup to get easy access to doctor appointments or buy a health checkup plan. It only takes 30 secs to register.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • What is Doctor app?

      Doctor app is a medical intermediary app available in both English & Nepali language where you can search, locate and book doctor appointments online based on their area of specialization, your diseases and illness as per your location across numerous hospitals and clinics all over Nepal. Scheduling, rescheduling or cancelling appointments can also be done via doctor app. It also features a wide range of health checkup plans, laboratory tests to choose from in our diagnostic section that you can confirm/pay online and get tests for you or your family done.

      Other features of doctor app includes updated emergency contact details like blood banks, ambulance services, drug rehabilitation centers, funeral services, etc. There's also a pharmacy listing feature in doctor app where you can check opening/closing timings of various pharmacies, call and inquire the availability of medicines so that you don't have to randomly visit pharmacies. Doctor app also features a dynamic blood donation platform where you can request for blood across doctor app users or register yourself as a donor to help others.

    • How do I use it?

      Doctor app is currently available on android which you can directly download from playstore. As a guest user (Non registered user) you can browse through various doctors, appointments times at various medical institutions along with browsing various health checkup/diagnostic packages. As a guest user you can access emergency contact details and pharmacy info as well. However it order to schedule appointments with doctors and buy health checkup plans/tests you will need to signup and create a registered user in doctor app. The blood donation platform of doctor app also allows only the registered users to request blood within the doctor app community and also register yourself as a blood donor if you are interested in donating blood to those in need.

    • How do I make payments for appointments, diagnostic packages or blood requests?

      We have Khalti as our payment partner for making all payments in doctor app. Available payment options are Khalti wallet, mobile banking, E-banking and Connect IPS. Blood request/donation feature where you can connect to potential blood donors within the doctor app community is free.

    • What if I have made payment and missed a doctor appointment or health checkup package or want to cancel the appointment or purchase made?

      Doctor app allows you to cancel doctor appointments up until 1 hour from your appointment time wherein we will be able to refund the appointment fee in your account within 24 hrs. In case you cannot make the previously booked appointment on time there is always an option to reschedule the appointment. Please check your appointment/package order details in the profile section.

    • Once I have made a payment, how does my visit with the hospital/clinic/diagnostic center work?

      Once you have made your confirmation/payment you can always check your appointment details/prder details in the app in the profile section. Once you get to the hospital/diagnostic center you need show your electronic receipt and provide the verification code to the hospital/clinic counter so that the hospital/diagnostic center can confirm your booking and payment.

Health Checkup Plan

Now you can buy various health checkup packages and routine tests ranging from preventive to diagnostic health plans across a range of diagnostic centers. Compare various health checkup plans, prices and select the one that suits your medical needs. We are also offering 5% cash back for a limited period on purchase of health checkup plans through doctor app.


Need to inquire about the availability of medicines? Browse through the pharmacies listed in doctor app, check their opening & closing times and then only pay a visit to get your medicines. Pharmacies nearby across every corner and alleys will always be displayed in doctor app so that you can get to the nearest pharmacies.